Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Geek Mountain State Shout Out

Got a very nice mention from Geek Mountain State regarding my Kindle Scout campaign for Allies and Enemies.  Check it out here:


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Achievement Level Unlocked: Survived Public Reading

Yesterday, I survived my first (and I say that with equal parts optimism and fear) public reading from  Allies and Enemies: Fallen. (It's still up for nomination with KindleScout... so go vote for it & then come back to this page and finish reading this.)
Great turn out at the VT Speculative Fiction Writers Series
Photo courtesy of Michael J. Martinez

The very lovely AmyBeth Inverness &
Michael J Martinez
Photo courtesy of AmyBeth Inverness

I read last (yay) in the group of five other very talented writers. Although I look rather put upon in the picture here, I did have a fantastic time. It was very nice just to be included in the group. 

Chatting with other writers (who were very much established compared to me) was highly educational and I made a new friend or three. The line up of readers included: Michael J Martinez, Alice Eckles, Toby MacNutt, Asher Ellis, and AmyBeth Inverness

Again, I'm grateful to Andrew Liptak of Geek Mountain for the invite to perform the reading and look forward to attending more events by the group in the future. Even if nothing more comes of my efforts to seeking publication, it was nice to at least be part of this special day. And, two very sweet young ladies asked me for my autograph, a first! How awesome is that? 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Nominate Allies and Enemies: Fallen for Kindle Scout

It's go time!

Allies and Enemies: Fallen is up for nomination with Amazon's Kindle Scout page. It's your chance to show your support for my little endeavor. Each book featured has 30 days to collect nominations by you, the reader. Books that have the most nominations are considered for publication by Kindle Press. And the best part, if the book you nominate is selected for publication, you get a free ebook.

It's a win-win for everyone!

Click on this link & nominate Allies and Enemies today!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Got my promo cards from the printers today. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

KindleScout Campaign for Allies and Enemies: Fallen - Launches June 18th!

So, I've gotten all my rejection emails back from the various literary agents out there. And so, ends that grand little experiment/adventure. I don't know what I was thinking. My luck doesn't tend to work like that. With a last name like Murphy? Come on.

And now, it is time for Plan B, subsection 9, paragraph 12: Kindle Scout!

Got the log line, the description and my bio all set up nice and proper and the book excerpt even shows up looking pretty nice on the preview screen. And now for the rest of my devious plan: I'll just sit here and avoid prepping for the reading I'm doing on June 27th with Geek Mountain. That way, the reading will be a surprise for everyone... including me! :)