Book Review: The Long Way Home (Sequoyah Book 1) by Sabrina
*Deep breath*
The Long Way Home has been out since 2012. So, I’m a little
behind the times. It’s the first in the three part Sequoyah series by the
elusive Sabrina Chase. (I say elusive because her website doesn’t seem to get
updated that frequently and there’s not a great deal of social media activity
that I can discern. So I’m going with elusive.)
It tells the story of NASA astronaut, Moira Cameron, displaced
by about 80 years in the future. She’s got a very important secret that an evil
corporation is willing to kill for. And wait that’s not all—humanity is in an
interstellar war with an alien species, there’s no such thing as NASA anymore, and
the best way she can manage to blend in is taking up with a bunch of mercenaries.
The narrative launches you right into the story. There’s no bulky exposition. The clues about the protagonist—her past, her secret—are fed
out in tasty little bites. You’re driven along just as Moire is, forced to play
along while you sort things out. That alone is a huge reason to love this book.
The world-building is top-notch, with a heavy homage paid to
the “raggedly edge” of Firefly. The characters are painted in vivid, loving
detail. Even the baddies are fascinating in their own evil way.
Before you know it the story’s over and you’re begging for
more. Thankfully, there are two more books in the series.
Check out this book on Amazon. You will not be disappointed.